Updated: 2011-08-31 23:16:40
Here's a collection of free, mostly good quality math text books in PDF format.
Updated: 2011-08-31 23:16:40
Done a Google search today? You've used an algorithm that is helping to change the world.
Updated: 2011-08-31 19:00:06
Seriously … why don’t math classes use computers? Excel, simple Python scripts, Mathematica / Sage, everything beyond the TI-83. Kids could be creating totally sweet visuals instead of cribbing formulae. And thinking instead of copying.
I can sa...
Updated: 2011-08-28 14:54:13
I’m hosting Carnival of Mathematics #81. Submit your articles via the form. Please get me your submissions by the end of August for a September 2nd edition. I’ve gotten zero submissions so far. If I don’t get any (or enough) … Continue reading →
Updated: 2011-08-17 22:36:27
Google celebrated Fermat’s 410th birthday with this Google Doodle: The Telegraph has a nice little story on the event.
Updated: 2011-08-17 22:30:09
Mike Croucher has posted Carnival of Mathematics #80 at Walking Randomly. I’m hosting #81. Submit your articles via the form. Please get me your submissions by the end of August for a September 2nd edition.
Updated: 2011-08-13 02:38:50
Only 10 more weeks to go until the Wolfram Technology Conference 2011, and we have just added details for nearly 50 talks and interactive sessions to the conference website. We will cover a broad array of topics across mathematics and statistics; finance, business, and social sciences; education; software development; science ...
Updated: 2011-08-04 05:21:27
Things are really moving fast at Wolfram these days. Mathematica 8 introduced 500 new functions and 7 new or extended application areas, including the revolutionary free-form input, Wolfram|Alpha integration, and a direct way to create our groundbreaking Computable Document Format (CDF), which was officially released to the public in ...